Storm Clouds Ahead


Storm Clouds Ahead

from $75.00
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Stormy road ahead.

I spent three days on the Isle of Skye beginning of this year ..80-90% of the time was insane stormy weather,gale force winds and sideways rain..and with only approx 6.5 hours of potential light for photography at times i felt very frustrated as it was a trip of a lifetime and the clock was ticking as i was huddled inside my campervan waiting for the light to change or just a little respite so i could do my thing. However the time waiting was meditational and being inside a van during a true Scottish storm was in itself quite wonderful almost womb-like,i waited and waited and then a break...a mad scramble to get the images that were in my head into the camera and now looking back i realize i wouldnt have wanted it any other pushed me to act quick when i could and to be creative with what was presented before me. Like life sometimes you have to weather the storm in front of you and when you are out of the storm and look back on the lessons learnt you can see that the hard road you travelled on was actually defining and helped you grow...its not in the easy times or fair weather that we are tested ..its on those stormy roads we all encounter that character is made.
